2024-04-26   星期五   农历三月十八   
来源:中国非物质文化遗产网 作者:中国非物质文化遗产保护中心 创建时间:2019-05-22 09:27:00




Nijemo Kolo, silent circle dance of the Dalmatian hinterland

图1 尼杰莫克罗,达尔马提亚内陆地区的无声圆圈舞





图2 尼杰莫克罗,达尔马提亚内陆地区的无声圆圈舞


The Nijemo Kolo is practised by communities in the Dalmatian hinterland, in southern Croatia. Nijemo Kolo is performed in a closed circle with male dancers leading female partners in energetic, spontaneous steps – the male dancer publicly testing the skills of his female partner, seemingly without defined rules. The steps and figures, often vigorous and impressive, depend on the mood and desire of the participants. The defining feature of the silent circle dance is that it is performed exclusively without music, although vocal or instrumental performances may precede or follow the dance. Nijemo Kolo is traditionally performed at carnivals, fairs, feast days and weddings, and acts as a way for young women and men to meet and get to know each other. Differences in the performance of the Nijemo Kolo from one village to another are also a way for the residents to distinguish their identities. The dance is transmitted from generation to generation, although increasingly this occurs through cultural clubs where its movements have been standardized. Some villages of the Dalmatian hinterland, however, preserve the spontaneous performance of steps and figures. Today, Nijemo Kolo is mostly danced by village performing groups at local, regional or international festivals and at local shows, carnivals or on the saint days of their parish church.

图3 尼杰莫克罗,达尔马提亚内陆地区的无声圆圈舞


尼杰莫克罗(“Nijemo Kolo”音译)流传于克罗地亚南部达尔马提亚内陆社区。男舞者用充满活力、即兴自发的舞步带领着女舞伴围成封闭式的环状队形。男舞者公开测试女舞伴的舞蹈技巧,似乎并没有明确的规则。舞者的舞步和姿态往往充满活力,具有很强的感染力,这取决于参与者的心情和愿望。无声圆圈舞的关键特征是它在完全无音乐的条件下进行表演,虽然舞蹈表演前后可能有声乐或器乐表演。该舞蹈传统上是在嘉年华、集市、宗教节日和婚礼上表演,是年轻男女认识和了解对方的一种方式。不同村庄表演该舞蹈的差异也是区分居民身份的一种途径。此舞蹈代代相传,虽然越来越多是通过文化俱乐部传承,在那里,舞蹈动作已被标准化。然而,达尔马提亚内陆的一些村庄保留了即兴表演的舞步和姿态。现今,尼杰莫克罗主要由乡村表演团体在地方、区域或国际节日,以及地方演出、嘉年华或教区教堂圣日时进行表演。



Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i

图4 雪星基督圣殿朝圣





图5 雪星基督圣殿朝圣


The Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i combines elements from Catholicism and worship of pre-Hispanic nature deities. It begins fifty-eight days after the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday, when 90,000 people from around Cusco travel to the sanctuary, located in Sinakara hollow. Pilgrims are divided into eight ‘nations’ corresponding to their villages of origin: Paucartambo, Quispicanchi, Canchis, Acomayo, Paruro, Tawantinsuyo, Anta and Urubamba. The pilgrimage includes processions of crosses up and down the snow-capped mountain and a twenty-four hour procession, during which the Paucartambo and Quispicanchi nations carry images of the Lord of Tayancani and the Grieving Virgin to the village of Tayancani to greet the first rays of sunlight. Dance plays a central part in the pilgrimage: a hundred different dances are performed representing the different ‘nations’. The Council of Pilgrim Nations and the Brotherhood of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i direct the pilgrimage activities, its rules and codes of behaviour, and supply food, while pablitos or pabluchas, figures wearing garments of alpaca fibre and woven wool animal masks, maintain order. The pilgrimage encompasses a broad variety of cultural expressions and constitutes a meeting place for communities from different Andean altitudes engaged in different economic activities.

图6 雪星基督圣殿朝圣


