2024-05-02   星期四   农历三月廿四   
来源:中国非物质文化遗产网 作者:中国非物质文化遗产保护中心 创建时间:2018-02-23 09:14:00




Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity

图1 参加阿拉伯咖啡制作比赛的选手正在烘焙咖啡豆(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

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图2 沙特阿拉伯的马吉里斯中,人们在享用咖啡(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

  ▲ 英文简介

Serving Arabic coffee is an important aspect of hospitality in Arab societies and considered a ceremonial act of generosity. Traditionally, coffee is prepared in front of guests. Coffee-making begins with the selection of beans, which are lightly roasted in a shallow pan over a fire, then placed into a copper mortar and pounded with a copper pestle. The coffee grounds are placed into a large copper coffee pot; water is added and the pot is placed on the fire. Once brewed, it is poured into a smaller coffee pot from which it is poured into small cups. The most important or oldest guest is served first, filling a quarter of the cup, which can then be refilled. Common practice is to drink at least one cup but not exceed three. Arabic coffee is made and enjoyed by men and women from all segments of society, particularly in the home. The sheikhs and heads of tribes who serve Arabic coffee in their meeting spaces, elderly Bedouin men and women and owners of coffee trading shops are considered the main bearers. Knowledge and traditions are passed on within the family through observation and practice. Young family members also accompany their elders to the market to learn how to select the best coffee beans.

图3 贝都因部落的主人为客人提供咖啡(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

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Majlis, a cultural and social space

图4 马吉里斯中举行的婚礼(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

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图5 年长者正在教授孩子们社交礼仪和马吉里斯的传统(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

  ▲ 英文简介

Majlis are ‘sitting places’ where community members gather to discuss local events and issues, exchange news, receive guests, socialize and be entertained. The Majlis is where the community gathers to resolve problems, pay condolences and hold wedding receptions. It is typically a large space with carpets on the floor and cushions against the wall. There is usually a stove or fire to prepare coffee and other hot beverages. The Majlis space is open to all people and may be frequented by family members, tribes and inhabitants of the same neighbourhood, and other remote neighbourhoods. Community elders are considered true bearers, especially those with extensive knowledge concerning nature, genealogy and tribal history. Judges and religious sheikhs have special importance in the Majlis as they adjudicate on disputes and clarify political, social and religious rights and responsibilities. Women have their own Majlis, although some prominent women attend other Majlis, which are particularly academic or literary in nature. Majlis also play an important role in the transfer of oral heritage, including folk stories, folk songs and ‘Nabati’ poetry. As Majlis spaces are open to all age groups, knowledge is mostly transmitted informally as children accompany community members on their visits. Through observing elders in the Majlis, young people learn the manners and ethics of their community, dialogue and listening skills, and respect for the opinion of others.

图6 如今,沙特阿拉伯人的马吉里斯中配有现代电子设备(来源:联合国教科文组织官方网站)

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